Friday, March 21, 2008

Master Cleanse - Day 12

Can this really be Day 12? I don't believe it myself but it is true. Do I want to quit? Yes I do. To be planning a weekend that included breaking this fast (slowly, starting with orange juice the first day and adding a homemade vegetable soup the next day)would be awesome. But I did not start out to do a 12 Day fast. In my mind I saw myself doing three weeks and at least doing the 10 days as prescribed by Dr. Stanley Burroughs in his book, The Master Cleanser.

And can I just be myself for a minute here? You should not be doing this fast if you could not spend $7.00 to buy Dr. Burroughs book. It is not a long book by today's standards but he breaks everything down very clearly and tells you the whys and hows of what it is and why it works. Everything else you read on the web is other people's opinions and interpretations of what was his life's work. You can purchase it on - use the title as a keyword.

Okay, enough of my rant. Peter Glickman has also written about the diet in his book Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Be Happier in 10 Days but I have not read his book. Other people have said good things about it. And I don't want anyone to read this journal about my time doing this fast and to think, well, this is a great and easy diet - actually it is not. It is not easy to only drink the lemonade for 10 or more days at a time. Our world is not structured that way. Everywhere I drive I see food establishments, and grocery stores - and can we talk about the street vendors with the amazing aromas coming from their carts and vehicles? You have to be doing this for a reason and if it is for more than just the desire to lose a couple of pounds then you can do it and make it to the end.

I had many reasons for doing this fast. I have recently opened my own business after years of pouring my work and efforts into helping other businesses succeed. Last year I spent many days in poor health. Recently I saw my weight start to creep up and in the span of four months I had gained ten pounds. I knew this was because of the cold weather and my lack of motivation to go outside and walk in the cold but it was still a warning sign. And my thought process as a creative and visionary individual was more jumbled and had lost a sense of clarity. So I knew that now was a time to regain my sense of self, including the energy, drive and my love of life. So I needed this break or fast. Fortunately for me, my husband also felt a need in his life to do the same and we are flowing together and in sync.

So that is what I am here, writing about this journey. The aches and pains are gone and my sinuses have stopped clogging up and giving me headaches. Today feels like just another day but I am grateful to be alive, thankful to be in this moment and I expect great things in my future. Now I'm going to have another glass and then get to work...

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