Monday, January 7, 2013

Ah the Chains That Bind (21 LBS in 21 Days)

You would think I'd be prepared for Day 1 of the 21 LB in 21 DAYS Detox Diet Cleanse but everytime I do it -it is like childbirth, I completely forget just how bad the process is. Day One really kicks your butt. The only way to prepare is to do the homework of chopping your fruits and veggies ahead and to get your additional supplements organized by daily doses so you get the proper nutritional value.  Even then, if you do not drink your water requirement during the day, you will have a physical crash.

The only thing I can do during day one is make it through the day. So that is what I did. I won't be blogging every day for the first few days,  I consider it a victory just to make it one day at at time. During this time, you must be proactiveand do your homework. Tonight I made my vegetable blended soup for lunch and evenings. Veggie/Fruit blended juice is prepared the night before and I added a fruit smoothie with 20 gms of protein to start the day so my brain cells fire correctly.
Hopefully this will get me to my next goal of 7 days cleansed and free.

If you are cleansing with me - let me know how you are doing. I'd love the company.

Walking in Health,


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