Monday, January 10, 2011

The Martha's Vineyard Detox Diet Day 4

A much better day today but a very hectic one. I was out running errands most of the day and it was a good test for me on time management while cleansing. I made a few of my food items the day before so I wasn't caught without my drinks, soups and teas while running around. It feels good to be home and winding down with a cup of hot tea and a glass of filtered water with a slice of lemon. No headaches today but I drank much more water and stayed hydrated, I think that would be a key to remember if you decide to do the cleanse. Have an 8 oz. glass of water every two hours and you will be fine. I also noticed that it was much easier drinking my ASEA today, but I can't say it tasted great yet, but definitely better going down.

I decided today to get rid of time-waster's in my life, including decreasing my non-business social media presence. So if you don't see me online as much, all is well but shedding toxins makes you so much more mentally alert and it allows you to place new demands on yourself.

The last two years were tough and included a period where I really lost my sense of self. If you've reached a decision point in your life where you have to figure out where you are going next, I think a period of fasting or cleansing can be beneficial. I'm only just a few days in so we shall see what shall be revealed over time.

Peace and Blessings,


Please note that I am not a doctor and this record of my detox cleanse is not an endorsement of any detox diet or product. This is something that I believe is right for me and the results will tell the tale. My goal here is only to report my experience.

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