Friday, January 28, 2011

The Martha's Vineyard Detox Diet Day 21 - Victory!

Just a short note to say that yesterday was Day 21 and the MVD diet has now been completed. On Monday I will post about my new lifestyle changes. I feel better than I did three weeks ago and I have dropped 15 1/2 lbs during the cleanse. I still dislike doing exercise but I am willing to continue to do it because I am getting ready for a 5K walk on March 13, 2011. My previous time for this 5K was 55 minutes and I'd like to do better this year. Right now I am still pretty slow compared to 2 years ago so this is a good transitional exercise goal for me as I try to do better in 2011. Thank you to all who sent a kind word and prayed for me, I appreciated it and many times needed it to get through.

Peace and Blessings,


Please note that I am not a doctor and this record of my detox cleanse is not an endorsement of any detox diet or product. This is something that I believe is right for me and the results will tell the tale. My goal here is only to report my experience.

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