Two days and counting until I start the Martha's Vineyard Detox Diet. All the Thanksgiving and Christmas eating has made me feel sluggish, and moving is feeling more labored. I'm looking forward to this cleanse and I've come to the point where I can happily let go of some foods that I've been holding on to. Good bye Lay's Potato Chips, I'm ready to let you go.
Prepared my shopping list today for the cleanse. My intake will consist of fruit and vegetable juices and blended soups and vegetable broths. I'm glad that I have an extensive knowledge of spices and herbs for cooking so that there will be lots of flavor with the nutrition.
I will also be adding some supplements, Aloe Vera Gel tablets,
24 Hour Inner Cleanse by Garden Greens and my usual vitamins. The Inner Cleanse consists of a daytime formula of herbs and an evening formula of fiber to help keep you clean. And of course I will be having 2 oz. of Asea in the morning and 2 oz. in the evening to help combat the negative side effects of detoxing and to promote cellular healing.
I have not seen any shopping lists online so I had to create my own. We will be drinking a lot of fruit and veggie drinks and teas but I'm hoping that since I will be buying no meat, dairy or processed food that our grocery expenses should remain consistent.
Please note that I am not a Doctor and before you do a cleanse or a fast you should seek your doctor's advice. I'm doing what is right for my house, you have to do what is right for yours. My shopping list was as follows:
7 - Lemons
10 - Limes
6 ea. - Grapefruit
1 bag – Oranges
Other Berries (in season)
Vegetables1 - Pumpkin /Squash
4 - Sweet potatoes
4 - Potatoes
1 Bag Carrots
2 Bags - Mixed Greens - Collard, Kale, Mustard
1 Bag - Romaine lettuce –
Beet Leaves, Beets
Green Beans
Black Beans, Dried
Teas, Herbs and SpicesRice Vinegar
Asian Chili Sauce
Teas – Barberry Root Bark, Oregon Grape Root, Beet Leaf, Dandelion Leaf and Root, Red Clover, Milk Thistle
1 - Ginger root
1 - Cinnamon Sticks,
1 pk. - Clove, Whole
Turmeric Powder
Oregano, Basil, Italian Parsley, Rosemary
Nutmeg, Whole
Vanilla Extract
VEGESPLASH Greens Drink Mix4 - Vegetable stock 32 oz.
4 – Distilled Water Jug
This is what I needed because I had other herbs, spices and supplements in the house. For a complete list of what is proper, please read the book. Tomorrow I will clean out my cupboards and wash and wipe the cupboards and fridge so there will be no odors of food that is "off my list".
Please come on this journey with me and leave your comments
here and not via email or Facebook, those of you who receive this in that form. This will be the spot I go to when I feel like giving up and this will be the spot where I will record my results and post pics and videos. Get ready, get ready, get ready!
Peace and Blessings,