Friday, January 28, 2011

The Martha's Vineyard Detox Diet Day 21 - Victory!

Just a short note to say that yesterday was Day 21 and the MVD diet has now been completed. On Monday I will post about my new lifestyle changes. I feel better than I did three weeks ago and I have dropped 15 1/2 lbs during the cleanse. I still dislike doing exercise but I am willing to continue to do it because I am getting ready for a 5K walk on March 13, 2011. My previous time for this 5K was 55 minutes and I'd like to do better this year. Right now I am still pretty slow compared to 2 years ago so this is a good transitional exercise goal for me as I try to do better in 2011. Thank you to all who sent a kind word and prayed for me, I appreciated it and many times needed it to get through.

Peace and Blessings,


Please note that I am not a doctor and this record of my detox cleanse is not an endorsement of any detox diet or product. This is something that I believe is right for me and the results will tell the tale. My goal here is only to report my experience.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Martha's Vineyard Detox Diet Day 11 - 17

Wow, I can't believe it but, it is true. I am coming down the home stretch. Four more days to go on this detox cleanse diet. I feel much better than when I first started. My strength and stamina are coming back after being ill most of November - December. My husband is already planning what he will eat when he completes the fast but there is a definite way to end the fast as well as how to begin one. That porterhouse steak he is dreaming about will have to wait.

I'm in no hurry to eat meat. But when I do eat meat I'm no longer going to just buy the cheapest cuts. More than the Master Cleanse, this detox has made me cognizant that what we eat matters. It will affect how we age and how we live in the present. Maya Angelou says that when we know better we do better. May that be one of my mantras from today onward. My two mile walk in the park today was not very fast, I did a 22 minute mile. And I watched families barbecue and play in the park and I appreciated the mountains that surrounded us and I thanked God for the beauty around us.

I don't like exercise. I'm hoping that when I lose more weight that I will feel differently about it. The BodyMedia Fit Armband is a great tool because it reminds me how much more I need to do and as the day goes by I can make adjustments. I like knowing that I have done enough each day to put me in a future weight loss mode.
So far during the cleanse I have lost almost 14 lbs. I have not done anything strenuous, I've just made sure I walked twice a day. This has been a time of healing not working out.

I'll do a wrap up on day 21 and then move on. The Martha's Vineyard Detox Diet requires that you do the cleanse (for a period of 7 days), three more times in the year. It is suggested that you do it at the change of seasons. So I will do this again after my birthday in May. Anyone else want to join me?

Peace and Blessings,


Please note that I am not a doctor and this record of my detox cleanse is not an endorsement of any detox diet or product. This is something that I believe is right for me and the results will tell the tale. My goal here is only to report my experience.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Martha's Vineyard Detox Diet Day 7-10

Yesterday my husband and I went out to Griffith Park and did a 2 mile walk with our dog. Well we were walking, he was sitting in his new stroller and was pushed along the route. He is old (15 years) and can't walk far any more. This way he can still come out with me when I exercise.

Well, week 1 has been completed. How does it feel? I feel more energetic now so I am exercising more. I had a come to Jesus moment with The BodyMedia FIT Armband and Display. I realized that I am wearing a tool which tells me how many calories that I take in and burn and it tells me if I have done enough to stay on track, why would I stop short of the daily goals? I was using it to record what I had done, instead of making the adjustments when I did not do enough. On day 7 I corrected my course and made the change. Now the day is not over until all the goals are met.

I believe this is only possible because of the ASEA that I've been taking for the past 11 days. Before I started taking it, I was getting winded very easily when I walked uphill and when I worked out, my muscles took a long time to stop aching (I am overweight and no athlete.) But in these past days I've found my endurance has really increased and I can tough it out thru a long workout, even while on this cleanse. I can also breathe easier when I exercise and not get as winded.

My husband commented today about the increase in stamina that he has seen in me in the last two weeks. As a non-athlete I can say that I am seeing the benefit of the cleanse and the ASEA.

Also my broths and soups continue to be tasty and filling. This liquid detox diet has meant that we have been living a vegan lifestyle for the past 9 days now. I don't miss meat, (because this has a set beginning and end). And I know that I will have more meatless days during the week (with more soups too).

Peace and Blessings,


Please note that I am not a doctor and this record of my detox cleanse is not an endorsement of any detox diet or product. This is something that I believe is right for me and the results will tell the tale. My goal here is only to report my experience.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Martha's Vineyard Detox Diet Day 5 & 6

The days are becoming more routine now. As I said before, eating fruits and vegetables every day means that I am not starved. I do feel shaky if I do not have my meals at the regular intervals. If you do try this cleanse, do not miss any meals.

The author of the book, 21 LBS in 21 Days is also on Twitter so yesterday I asked Dr. Rhoni a quick question about agave nectar and whether it is suitable for the cleanse. She responded quickly and said yes, it is fine to use it in your iced tea or hot tea as long as it is the organic kind. I had thought so and I don't like stevia, even though it is another all natural sugar made from a plant. To me, it has an aftertaste like saccharine does and I don't like it.

I did not do much exercise in the first four days due to the early healing crisis and lack of energy so I made sure I did my one mile walk with my husband on Tuesday and I did a 2 mile walk on Wednesday. I will be watching to see how and if the ASEA helps me recover from the exercise. I can say that I had more stamina today than I have had since I became ill in November. It is good to feel stronger even though I am nowhere near where I was last summer. This too shall pass I believe. I plan to get on a scale on Saturday (which will be Day 8) and see where I am with energy, and possible weight loss.

I am also tracking my calorie intake, burn, sleep duration and efficiency with the BodyMedia® Fit Armband and Activity Display. This is the armband that is used on the show, The Biggest Loser to help the people on the ranch track their progress. This is another layer of accountability for me and another step to making changes that I can sustain for life.

Finally, I can say that, yes, being on a cleanse or fast does require discipline and does not feel good all the time. There are lots of food ads on billboards, newspapers, buses, and on the internet and TV. Healthy choices sometimes mean more expensive choices and steps to a better life can be taken one step at a time. I am going to keep my eyes open for bargains and deals that exist to help people who want to add better choices to their life.

Peace and Blessings,


Please note that I am not a doctor and this record of my detox cleanse is not an endorsement of any detox diet or product. This is something that I believe is right for me and the results will tell the tale. My goal here is only to report my experience.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Martha's Vineyard Detox Diet Day 4

A much better day today but a very hectic one. I was out running errands most of the day and it was a good test for me on time management while cleansing. I made a few of my food items the day before so I wasn't caught without my drinks, soups and teas while running around. It feels good to be home and winding down with a cup of hot tea and a glass of filtered water with a slice of lemon. No headaches today but I drank much more water and stayed hydrated, I think that would be a key to remember if you decide to do the cleanse. Have an 8 oz. glass of water every two hours and you will be fine. I also noticed that it was much easier drinking my ASEA today, but I can't say it tasted great yet, but definitely better going down.

I decided today to get rid of time-waster's in my life, including decreasing my non-business social media presence. So if you don't see me online as much, all is well but shedding toxins makes you so much more mentally alert and it allows you to place new demands on yourself.

The last two years were tough and included a period where I really lost my sense of self. If you've reached a decision point in your life where you have to figure out where you are going next, I think a period of fasting or cleansing can be beneficial. I'm only just a few days in so we shall see what shall be revealed over time.

Peace and Blessings,


Please note that I am not a doctor and this record of my detox cleanse is not an endorsement of any detox diet or product. This is something that I believe is right for me and the results will tell the tale. My goal here is only to report my experience.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Martha's Vineyard Diet Day 3 - Repentance

Day 3 started with me having a headache again, but not quite as bad as the day before. Every single joint in my body ached however and I was only able to walk stiffly like an arthritic old woman. I felt bad but my husband generously brought my morning filtered water, Burdock Tea and Mixed Berry smoothie to my bed and I pitifully drank them all there. It was pretty obvious that my body was releasing a lot of toxins and I was having my first "healing crisis". If you want more info about that please read the book - I want you to get the right information in its purest form and not my interpretation of what the experts said. Remember, I'm not a doctor, just a woman trying to do better since she now knows better.

After listening to a great Sunday service at my church, (online, because I was not moving well), I started preparing the vegetable broth for lunch and the pureed soup for dinner. It was Sunday so I wanted them both to be special so I started with my regular Mirepoix, (a combination of chopped carrots, celery and onions used to add flavor and aroma to stocks, sauces, soups and other foods.) It is supposed to be about 50% onion and 25% each carrots and celery. I let that lightly caramelize in 2 tablespoons of EVOO and I added 3 cloves of minced garlic and 1 diced green apple. Finally I added 1 diced turnip and 1 diced butternut squash to the mixture with 2 sliced serrano peppers (with seeds included because I like it hot). Then I added a 1 inch piece of peeled ginger root, green basil, thyme, curry powder and a cinnamon stick and 4 cups of organic vegetable stock. I let the broth simmer for 1 hour and then separated the broth and the softened vegetables. The broth we drank at lunch and the pureed veggies were the evening's soup dish. I also drank much more water today and adjusted my ASEA to 2 oz. morning and afternoon, (instead of morning and night). I also had an enema in the evening, no details needed, but if you want to know why, read the book, :-).

My joints felt better in the afternoon and I went for a 1/2 mile walk. It was up and down a grade so going down was easier than going up. I was winded so I only did the 1/2 mile and did the other half later. It is suggested to only do a mile a day while on the detox diet.

After listening to the day's sermon at church, I felt a need to repent. My belief is that all humans are made of body, soul, and spirit and I was not considering the deity inside me when I was making all those food decisions that had a negative impact on my body. If I really wanted to live a life of purpose, why would I eat foods that would kill me before I had time to complete my assigned task? I was living a life of confusion and God is not the author of confusion. I guess I had to clear my mind so I could pay attention to the fact that I needed to change, (not for 21 days), but for good. I'm hoping that during these next 3 weeks that I will get an idea of what that permanent change needs to be. I deserve a better life than the one I am living and the world deserves a better Dede than the one I am giving them. I'm going to continue with my reading assignment and call it a night. Day 3 is finished and I call it good.

Finally, I must say that drinking this combination of dense fruit smoothies, broths, pureed vegetable soups with at least 5 servings of vegetables, and 6 glasses of filtered water, it is impossible to be hungry on this detox. The fruits and vegetables I am eating are nourishing and cleaning my body without a starvation diet so the weight that comes off from this will stay off if I eat with more thought in the future. And that is the plan...

Peace and Blessings,


Please note that I am not a doctor and this record of my detox cleanse is not an endorsement of any detox diet or product. This is something that I believe is right for me and the results will tell the tale. My goal here is only to report my experience.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Martha's Vineyard Detox Diet Day 2

I woke up this morning feeling like a train hit me, my head was pounding and I needed some help. I asked my husband for acetaminophen tablets and lay down. He brought me a glass of filtered water, some Burdock Root tea and a Apple Berry smoothie (which can I say was delicious). I felt better in about an hour and the rest of the day went by smoothly. I was better able to plan and prepare and kept to the schedule so that every 1-2 hours we were drinking some liquid, whether it was filtered water, hot tea, a green smoothie or a vegetable broth. For dinner we had a pureed soup made with broccoli, spinach, zucchini, carrots, white onion, basil, garlic,thyme, and cumin. David added a dollop of plain low fat Greek yogurt to his. I added a teaspoon of homemade pepper sauce to mine, (I love my hot foods)!

We went shopping at Whole Foods for more produce and water and while there I had a shot of wheat-grass juice at their juice bar. When I first drank wheat-grass juice I thought it tasted horrible but today's shot tasted like sweet green peas. The aftertaste was very 'grassy', however, I am determined to do this the proper way, and the great tasting food I used to love gave me the body I currently inhabit. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired so I will learn to love wheat-grass and a vegetarian lifestyle if my body tells me that is what it likes to maintain a healthy weight and clean organs.

All in all, a better day. I drank my ASEA and took my other supplements at the proper times. The ASEA still tastes (and smells) almost like chlorinated water and is still unpleasant. My cousin told me that when your body is toxic the ASEA will taste bad but when you become clean it will taste much better. I can't wait for that day, :-).

I am finally reading the book, "Peace from Broken Pieces" by Iyanla VanZant. It is nice to have quiet time to meditate and to read. I am reading this book slowly and savoring the prose. I recognize that people who do battle weight have to do self inventory sometimes to see what we are really eating. I am enjoying this part of the journey too.

Peace and Blessings,


Please note that I am not a doctor and this record of my detox cleanse is not an endorsement of any detox diet or product. This is something that I believe is right for me and the results will tell the tale. My goal here is only to report my experience.

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Martha's Vineyard Detox Day 1

Thank God for the day of beginnings! It is intimidating to start something that lasts 21 days. Last night I was thinking, "Am I really ready for this? 21 days is a long time. My last fast was only 10 days. Suppose I fail while writing about this and everyone will know I wasn't able to do it?" But I got up this morning with a feeling of, "This is something that you need to do in order to get to your next. Dr. Charles Phillips (my former Pastor and a great motivational speaker) once said during a lesson, "If you wonder why God hasn't spoken to you about your next assignment, then go back and see if you completed the last assignment that you believed he gave to you". I've never forgotten that and I am careful about what I say I will do because integrity means doing what you say you will do all the time. So sometimes when everyone else is volunteering, I will just be silent so I have time to assess whether this is a 'God' thing or a 'good' thing. Not every good thing is good for me.

Sooo... here I am. Day 1 has been fine. My teas today were Burdock Root Tea and Dandelion Leaf Tea. My fruit smoothie consisted of carrot, blueberry, blackberry and raspberry juice. My vegetable broth was made from mexican zucchini, garlic, carrot, italian parsley, tomato, and cabbage. After removing the liquid I pureed the rest with some added cumin, basil, rosemary, curry powder and red pepper flakes and a little almond milk. This thick creamy soup will be tonight's dinner and I'll end the day with more water and some relaxing teas and a green smoothie for an evening snack. You can add a scoop of Protein powder, (mine has 20g of protein per scoop) to the two smoothies. And of course I also took my ASEA supplement - I do 2 oz. morning and evening and I have to say, I do not like the taste. If I had to swallow more than 2 oz. at a time my gag reflex would kick in. Energy wise, I feel fine and I'm going to do a one mile walk for the fresh air.

Peace and Blessings,


Please note that I am not a doctor and this record of my detox cleanse is not an endorsement of any detox diet or product. This is something that I believe is right for me and the results will tell the tale. My goal here was to report my experience because many of my family and friends have said to me, "I could NEVER fast, I need to get my meals EVERY day". And I totally understand where they are coming from, I LOVE to cook and I do LOVE food. I can say that when I have fasted before I found that there is a clarity of thought and a spiritual connection that comes that you cannot get without the fasting experience. Starting the year with a time of meditation, prayer and fasting seems like a good idea to me. What about you? Have you ever fasted before?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Preparing For the Detox Diet

Two days and counting until I start the Martha's Vineyard Detox Diet. All the Thanksgiving and Christmas eating has made me feel sluggish, and moving is feeling more labored. I'm looking forward to this cleanse and I've come to the point where I can happily let go of some foods that I've been holding on to. Good bye Lay's Potato Chips, I'm ready to let you go.

Prepared my shopping list today for the cleanse. My intake will consist of fruit and vegetable juices and blended soups and vegetable broths. I'm glad that I have an extensive knowledge of spices and herbs for cooking so that there will be lots of flavor with the nutrition.

I will also be adding some supplements, Aloe Vera Gel tablets, 24 Hour Inner Cleanse by Garden Greens and my usual vitamins. The Inner Cleanse consists of a daytime formula of herbs and an evening formula of fiber to help keep you clean. And of course I will be having 2 oz. of Asea in the morning and 2 oz. in the evening to help combat the negative side effects of detoxing and to promote cellular healing.

I have not seen any shopping lists online so I had to create my own. We will be drinking a lot of fruit and veggie drinks and teas but I'm hoping that since I will be buying no meat, dairy or processed food that our grocery expenses should remain consistent. Please note that I am not a Doctor and before you do a cleanse or a fast you should seek your doctor's advice. I'm doing what is right for my house, you have to do what is right for yours. My shopping list was as follows:


7 - Lemons
10 - Limes
6 ea. - Grapefruit
1 bag – Oranges
Other Berries (in season)

1 - Pumpkin /Squash
4 - Sweet potatoes
4 - Potatoes
1 Bag Carrots
2 Bags - Mixed Greens - Collard, Kale, Mustard
1 Bag - Romaine lettuce –
Beet Leaves, Beets
Green Beans
Black Beans, Dried

Teas, Herbs and Spices
Rice Vinegar
Asian Chili Sauce
Teas – Barberry Root Bark, Oregon Grape Root, Beet Leaf, Dandelion Leaf and Root, Red Clover, Milk Thistle
1 - Ginger root
1 - Cinnamon Sticks,
1 pk. - Clove, Whole
Turmeric Powder
Oregano, Basil, Italian Parsley, Rosemary
Nutmeg, Whole
Vanilla Extract
VEGESPLASH Greens Drink Mix
4 - Vegetable stock 32 oz.
4 – Distilled Water Jug

This is what I needed because I had other herbs, spices and supplements in the house. For a complete list of what is proper, please read the book. Tomorrow I will clean out my cupboards and wash and wipe the cupboards and fridge so there will be no odors of food that is "off my list".

Please come on this journey with me and leave your comments here and not via email or Facebook, those of you who receive this in that form. This will be the spot I go to when I feel like giving up and this will be the spot where I will record my results and post pics and videos. Get ready, get ready, get ready!

Peace and Blessings,
